Meanwhile on the other side of the country in California, we meet Niki who is trying to get out from under the thumb of her father. He has got her whole future mapped out for her - law school, working for his firm and he even picked out her current boyfriend. But Niki wants none of that and she is miserable. She needs to explore her creative side, spread her wings and be free.
When Jesse moves out to California for the summer to help out his uncle and straighten himself out, he and Niki meet and are instantly drawn to each other. She knows he is a bad boy and that she should keep her distance, but she just can't. I loved that Jesse wanted to be a better man for her and how tender he seemed around her. What I loved about him on the plane was finally starting to come through again.
However Jesse's quick temper is an issue. This is where Niki annoyed me. While I agree that violence is wrong, even when using it to defend your friend and girlfriend, I would think you would want to help your man through that. Not run away and hide like a baby.
So while at the beginning of the book I didn't like Jesse but was fond of Niki, that changed by the end. Jesse is trying to turn his life around and I respect that, despite of his past mistakes. As for Niki, well I just want her to grow up a little I guess. Deal with issues instead of running from them.
Breathless ends with a revelation and cliff hanger and I will definitely be checking out book 2, Fearless, which is due out August 28, 2013.
Marianna's Rating:
Title: Breathless
Author: Eve Carter
Series: Jesse #1
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Social Media: @evecarterbooks;
Book Description
The young, hot professional Motocross rider, Jesse Morrison, knows how to leave an impression. Except lately, it has been bad impressions. Frustrated and wounded, he surrounds himself with women, booze and drugs, until one day, he finds himself in a world of trouble. Kicked out by his brother, he relocates to California for the summer to help his uncle open Rookies, a local sports bar.
In Santa Monica, Jesse meets the one woman who can lead him back on the right path, the beautiful 22 year old, Niki Milani. Only problem, she is not interested. Niki has her own demons to fight. A past that left her emotional abandoned by her own blood, her father. She keeps her heart guarded and finds it difficult to trust a man again. Especially not a bad boy player who is even more messed up than her. However, Jesse never backs down from a challenge. Blinded by a sizzling attraction, he is determined to prove to Niki that there is more to him than what appears on the surface. That he is the one who can heal her heart.

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